Sam Presti We've Created Organizational Momentum

Sam Presti was asked if the environment surrounding the Oklahoma City noise is refreshed with the players healthy and with new accompaniments to the roster and at head coach.
“We have an goal to build a great, enduring association," said Sam Presti. "And to protect that ideal and maintain our victory, it requires us to continually stimulate development and evolution with no relinquishing the principles and standards that we are built upon. The combination of the change to a new coaching staff, a healthy team with the benefit of  7  years of experience together that is now toward the inside its prime years, and some additions to our roster that fit our age prospect also help fortify the existing civilization, and has created an organizational momentum that has everyone excited about the there but also very hopeful about the future.”
Presti was also asked if this term feels extra essential given Kevin Durant's 2016 free agency.
“We adopted an organizational move toward in 2008 that is centered on being intentional about focusing on the current, not getting sidetracked by things we can’t manage, and ensuring that all of our notice and meaning is on acceptance the season as it comes to us. We have seen every year as important, significant, and commendable of our full attention, and this season will be treated in the same fashion. This approach has served us well and our players have been outstanding in terms of staying restricted to this approach during the various circumstances we have encountered over the years.

“I really think that our position as an organization is very much due to their aptitude to work in the present tense and place their attention on the excellence of the work, not in the past or toward a future that has yet to arrive. If we continue to stay true to this idea, and I believe we will, it allows us to embrace the opportunities that this, like any season, presents and also allows us to continue to build an identity for the noise that will stand the test of time."
19 Oct 2015