Top stem cell scientist cleared of misconduct charges
Folder – In this Friday, July 30, 2010 file photo, Dr. Paolo Macchiarini looks on throughout a press meeting where he announced that his surgical team successfully transplanted the windpipes of two cancer patients with an innovative process that uses stem cells to allow a donated trachea to renew tissue and create an organ that is biologically close to the original, Florence, Italy. Sweden’s Karolinska Institute said on Friday, Aug. 28, 2015 that Macchiarini, a top stem cell scientist accused of unprincipled behavior, has been cleared of scientific misconduct though he sometimes acted without due care

. Top stem cell scientist cleared of misconduct charges

By MARIA CHENG, AP Medical Writer
LONDON (AP) — Sweden’s Karolinska Institute says a top stem cell scientist accused of unethical behavior has been cleared of scientific misconduct though he sometimes acted lacking due care.
In a declaration released on Friday, the university said complaints leveled against Dr. Paolo Macchiarini — who has created wind pipes using patients’ stem cells — did not qualify as scientific misconduct, overturning a previous inquiry in May which found him responsible.

After investigative further documents submitted by Macchiarini, Karolinska’s vice-chancellor Anders Hamsten concluded there were flaws in Macchiarini’s work “but nothing that can be considered scientific misconduct.” The earlier investigation had claimed, among other things, that Macchiarini “selectively described” certain minor problems in patients while omitting serious complications.
“To have been wrongly accused of serious misconduct is every researcher’s nightmare,” Macchiarini said in an email. He said the accusations were very damaging to him and the meadow of regenerative medicine; the Swedish Research Council froze his grants in June.
Macchiarini has been instructed to submit corrected information to the journals that published some of his work to explain the mistakes recognized by the university’s inquiry.
Macchiarini said he would speak with Karolinska about without delay ensuring the reinstatement of his research grants. He and colleagues have developed a novel technique of seeding also donated or synthetic wind pipes with stem cells of patients to stop rejection and are now increasing their work to include other organs.
“I feel it is extremely important that public confidence is restored in this field now,” he said. “It is only through the trust of present patients willing to take part in experimental surgeries that patients of the prospect will have a chance to advantage.
