Argentina elections: Voters prepare to choose new president
"Daniel Scioli is a strong favorite but faces tough choices if he is elected"

Argentines are going to the polls to choose their next president in a general election that ends 12 years of rule under the Kirchners.
President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner has served 2 consecutive terms and, under Argentina's constitution, cannot run again.
Her hand-picked successor, left-winger Daniel Scioli, is leading polls.
But he is expected to face stiff opposition from Mauricio Macri, the centre-right mayor of Buenos Aires.
One more candidate, Sergio Massa, a former Kirchner ally, is polling following Mr. Macri, while there are 3 other names on the ballot paper.
Argentina elections: All to play for
Sunday sees the 1st round of voting - if no nominee gets more than 45% of the vote, or gets a minimum of 40% as well as a 10-point lead, there will be a run-off on 22 November.
Whoever wins the presidency faces important economic challenges.
While the country gained power after a financial crisis in 2002, its economy, the 3rd largest in Latin America, has slowed down in current years, with GDP growing by only 0.5% last year.
The government is also protected in a battle against American hedge funds who disagree with how is wants to reorganize $100bn (£65bn) of balance due on which it defaulted in 2001.
While the firms successfully sued Argentina for repayment, Mrs. Kirchner refused to pay.
Mrs. Kirchner succeeded her husband Nestor as president. He died in 2010, 3 years after handing over the presidency to his wife.
Argentina elections: Voters prepare to choose new president
Daniel Scioli was joined by his wife Karina Rabolini for a final rally in Buenos Aires
Argentina elections: Voters prepare to choose new president
Mauricio Macri is mounting a strong challenge to Mr Scioli
