HPV infection


HPV infection
How genital Warts Form Symptoms
Common warts

HPV Infection
Common warts

Plantar warts

HPV Infection
Plantar Warts

Flat warts

HPV Infection
Flat Warts

Female genital warts & Male genital warts

HPV Infection
Female genital Warts & Male genital Warts

In most cases, your body's immune system defeats an HPV infection before it creates warts. When warts do appear, they vary in appearance depending on which variety of HPV is involved:

Genital warts. These appear as flat lesions, small cauliflower-like bumps or tiny stem-like protrusions. In women, genital warts appear mostly on the vulva but can also occur near the anus, on the cervix or in the vagina.

In men, genital warts appear on the penis and scrotum or around the anus. Genital warts rarely cause discomfort or pain, though they may itch.

Common warts. Common warts appear as rough, raised bumps and usually occur on the hands, fingers or elbows. In most cases, common warts are simply unsightly, but they can also be painful or susceptible to injury or bleeding.

Plantar warts. Plantar warts are hard, grainy growths that usually appear on the heels or balls of your feet. These warts might cause discomfort.

Flat warts. Flat warts are flat-topped, slightly raised lesions darker than your skin. They can appear anywhere, but children usually get them on the face and men tend to get them in the beard area. Women tend to get them on the legs.

Cervical cancer

It's important to remember that being vaccinated against HPV infection can protect you from cervical cancer. For those who aren't vaccinated, most cases of cervical cancer are caused by HPV strains that usually don't cause warts, so women often don't realize they've been infected. Early stages of cervical cancer typically cause no signs or symptoms.

Over time, repeated infection of certain HPV strains can lead to precancerous lesions. If not treated, these lesions can become cancerous. That's why it's important for women to have regular Pap tests, which can detect precancerous changes in the cervix that might lead to cancer.

Current guidelines recommend that women ages 21 to 29 have a Pap test every three years. Women ages 30 to 65 are advised to continue having a Pap test every three years, or every five years if they also get the HPV DNA test at the same time.

Women over 65 can stop testing if they've had three normal Pap tests in a row, or two HPV DNA and Pap tests with no abnormal results.

When to see a doctor

If you or your child has warts of any kind that cause embarrassment, discomfort or pain, seek advice from your doctor.


HPV infection occurs when the virus enters your body, usually through a cut, abrasion or small tear in your skin. The virus is transferred primarily by skin-to-skin contact.

Genital HPV infections are contracted through sexual intercourse, anal sex and other skin-to-skin contact in the genital region. Some HPV infections that result in oral or upper respiratory lesions are contracted through oral sex.

If you're pregnant and have an HPV infection with genital warts, the warts might enlarge and multiply during pregnancy. Treatment might have to wait until after delivery.

Large genital warts can block the birth canal, complicating vaginal delivery. The infection might be linked to a rare, noncancerous growth in the baby's voice box (larynx).

Warts are contagious. They spread by contact with a wart or with something that touched the wart.

Risk factors

HPV infections are common. Risk factors for HPV infection include:

Number of sexual partners. The more sexual partners you have, the more likely you are to contract a genital HPV infection. Having sex with a partner who has had multiple sex partners also increases your risk.

Age. Common warts occur mostly in children. Genital warts occur most often in adolescents and young adults.

Weakened immune systems. People who have weakened immune systems are at greater risk of HPV infections. Immune systems can be weakened by HIV/AIDS or by immune system-suppressing drugs used after organ transplants.

Damaged skin. Areas of skin that have been punctured or opened are more prone to develop common warts.

Personal contact. Touching someone's warts or not wearing protection before contacting surfaces that have been exposed to HPV — such as public showers or swimming pools — might increase your risk of HPV infection.


Oral and upper respiratory lesions. Some HPV infections cause lesions on your tongue, tonsils, soft palate, or within your larynx and nose.

Cancer. Certain strains of HPV can cause cervical cancer. These strains might also contribute to cancers of the genitals, anus, mouth and upper respiratory tract.